If you’ve been in an auto or trucking accident in Arizona that wasn’t your fault, you might be considering the next legal steps if your injuries are significant enough to warrant compensation. Without a doubt, your first step should be to hire a qualified and aggressive personal injury attorney who understands the complexities of your case and can pursue what’s rightly yours.

But how do you know if you’re hiring the right personal injury attorney for your specific case? Asking these following important questions can help weed out the good ones from the bad ones.

What are your legal background, expertise, and specialty?

You’ll first want to understand the firm’s history and if they do indeed know the ins and outs of the law in your specific accident case. Having knowledge or specialty in personal injury and wrongful death is vital as Arizona has specific laws in place concerning damage caps and more.

Who would be handling my case?

Think that every firm has its attorneys handling each case? Think again. Some attorneys will only work on a certain portion of the case (for a certain fee), then pass off the rest of the case to another firm or group. Other firms keep everything in-house. In most cases, you’ll want the latter to work with one group from start to finish. Although the first option can be cheaper, it can get confusing quickly with all of the different attorneys involved.

What are your case strategy and process like?

Not all personal injury cases are created equal and good firms understand that. In most personal injury cases, you’ll want an aggressive legal team that can go after the highest amount of compensation relative to your case. In other cases, lawyers may opt to settle out of court, which could also be in your favor.

What is your winning history like in Arizona courts?

Familiarity in the specific court where your case would be tried is vital. A good firm will have a successful track record across the state and in the specific court that has jurisdiction over your case.

What is your fee and cost structure?

Every firm and attorney does costs and fees differently. Be sure to ask about this before signing anything and get an agreement in writing.


If you’ve been the victim of an auto accident or other personal injury incident, it’s important to speak with a professional auto or trucking personal injury attorney as soon as possible following the incident. The opposing party will try to get you to sign a settlement quickly, but your injuries may be worth more than what they’ve offered. Call Rabb & Rabb, PLLC today at (520) 888-6740 to schedule a free consultation.

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